Singapore Media Watch

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Health bites: Allergic rhinitis Part 3

It can be difficult to avoid the things that cause allergic rhinitis. In fact, many people do not know the exact cause of their own allergy.

However, here are a few tips that may help:

1. Encase mattress, pillows and bolsters with special mite-proof covers. Pillows filled with Dacron or other synthetic materials that can be washed weekly are preferred. Mattress or pillow protectors should also be encased within covers and the encasings washed at least three-monthly.

2. Wash bedding frequently in hot water (above 55C). House dust mites are not killed by detergents.

3. Reduce house dust by damp dusting or mopping rather than sweeping.

4. Try to minimize the number of carpets, rugs and curtains in your house.

5. Avoid contact with animals which trigger your symptoms. Cats' fur is the most common cause of animal-related allergy.

6. Always take your medication according to your doctor's instructions.

7. Consult your doctor if you need advice or more information about your medication.

For more information, please visit

The writer is a Family Physician in private practice. He prefers to remain anonymous. You can ask him questions by leaving a comment here.


The consumer health information on this website is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions. You should promptly seek professional medical care if you have any concern about your health, and you should always consult your physician before starting a fitness regimen.


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